As we commemorate International Women’s Day, it is essential to reflect on how women have been celebrated, honored, and valued throughout history. While much of the biblical narrative is set within patriarchal societies, the Bible itself contains remarkable examples of women being recognized, praised, and empowered. From heroic acts to unwavering faith, women in the Bible were often celebrated for their courage, wisdom, and devotion.

1. Celebrated for Their Faith and Righteousness

One of the most prominent ways women were honored in the Bible was through their deep faith.

  • Mary, the Mother of Jesus – Perhaps the most celebrated woman in the Bible, Mary was chosen to bear the Son of God. The angel Gabriel greeted her with, “Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you” (Luke 1:28). This divine recognition highlights how God valued her faith and obedience.
  • Hannah – The mother of the prophet Samuel, Hannah was honored through God’s answer to her heartfelt prayer for a son. She dedicated Samuel to God’s service, and her faith was rewarded (1 Samuel 1:9-28).
  • Ruth – Celebrated for her loyalty and kindness, Ruth was praised by the people of Bethlehem. Boaz commended her, saying, “May the Lord repay you for what you have done” (Ruth 2:12), acknowledging her selflessness and faithfulness.

2. Celebrated as Leaders and Deliverers

Though leadership was often male-dominated in biblical times, several women rose to prominence and were honored for their roles in guiding and saving their people.

  • Deborah – As the only female judge of Israel, Deborah was respected and celebrated as a leader, prophetess, and military strategist. When Israel faced oppression, she led them to victory, and the people sang a song in her honor (Judges 5).
  • Esther – As queen, Esther risked her life to save her people from genocide. Her bravery was commemorated in the annual Jewish festival of Purim, which celebrates her role in delivering the Israelites from destruction (Esther 9:26-32).

3. Celebrated for Their Generosity and Hospitality

Women in the Bible were also honored for their acts of kindness, hospitality, and generosity.

  • The Widow of Zarephath – During a time of famine, she shared her last meal with the prophet Elijah, and in return, God miraculously provided for her needs (1 Kings 17:8-16).
  • Mary of Bethany – She was honored by Jesus Himself when she anointed His feet with costly perfume. Jesus said, “Wherever the gospel is preached throughout the world, what she has done will also be told in memory of her” (Mark 14:9).
  • Lydia – A successful businesswoman and early Christian convert, Lydia opened her home to Paul and other believers. She was recognized as one of the first European converts to Christianity and a key supporter of the early church (Acts 16:14-15).

4. Celebrated for Their Wisdom and Influence

Wisdom is another trait for which women were celebrated in the Bible. Their words and actions shaped the lives of many.

  • Abigail – Known for her wisdom and diplomacy, Abigail prevented David from committing bloodshed. David praised her, saying, “May you be blessed for your good judgment” (1 Samuel 25:33).
  • The Proverbs 31 Woman – This passage honors a woman of virtue, strength, and wisdom. She is celebrated as a provider, a leader in her household, and someone who is “clothed with strength and dignity” (Proverbs 31:25).

Women Honored Then and Now

The Bible provides numerous examples of women being celebrated for their faith, leadership, generosity, and wisdom. While society has evolved over time, the essence of honoring women remains the same. On this Women’s Day, let us recognize the contributions of women everywhere—mothers, leaders, entrepreneurs, and visionaries—just as they were honored in biblical times.

Women were not only valued in biblical history but continue to shape our world today. Let their stories inspire us to appreciate, uplift, and celebrate the incredible women in our lives.

