About Ugandan Bibles
The number of individual languages listed for Uganda is 43. All are living languages. Of these, 41 are indigenous and 2 are non-indigenous. Furthermore, 5 are institutional, 27 are developing, 7 are vigorous, 2 are in trouble, and 2 are dying. Out of the 43 languages, the Bible Society of Uganda has been able to translate the Bible into 21 local languages (15 complete Bibles and 5 New testaments). The complete Bibles include: Luganda, Lusoga, Lumasaaba, Ateso, Kumam, Ng’akarimojong, Acoli, Lugbara, Alur, Langi, Runyoro-Rutooro, Runyankole-Rukiga and the new testaments include: Dhophadhola, Lusamia-Lugwe, Ma’di. In partnership with Summer Institute of Linguistics the following 3 new Testaments have been translated: Lubwisi, Lunyole, Aringa.
Distribution of Bibles
In Uganda, Bibles are distributed in different formats: i.e. Print, Audio and Braille.
Our key distribution is mainly done through Churches, Schools, Bookshops, Branches, Bible Agents and E-Commerce (Social media and website).
We have a variety of Ugandan language Bibles for you to purchase and enjoy the Bible in your own language.
We also have children’s Bibles in Luganda with other languages coming soon.
You can purchase a Bible at our Bible shop at Bible House, Plot 38 Bombo Road, Kampala or make your order online on our website or social media platforms.
Support us
Here are some of the ways you can support us
Donate 1 Bible every month to a needy student
Translate a verse in the Bible
Help the Blind to access an audio Bible
Introduce 20 prisoners to an audio Bible each month
A Bible Reading Plan
Get yourself Bible Reading Plans here
About the Handwritten Bible
The Bible Society of Uganda was officially registered on 24th November 1968, and will make 50 years on 24th Nov 2018.We therefore decided to celebrate this Golden Jubilee of Bible work in a unique way by re-writing the ESV (English Standard Version) Bible with our own handwritings. By doing this, we are trying to emulate the ancient scribes. Before modern technology came, scripture was written by scribes who copied from manuscripts. If there hadn’t been people copying scripture, we most likely would not have the Bible now. We would like Ugandan Christians to get the feel of writing the Bible in their own handwriting. We also believe that this will increase Bible engagement. Over 30,000 Christians in Uganda and abroad will participate in writing verses and in the process interact more with the Bible.
Contact Us
The Bible Society of Uganda
E-mail: info@biblesociety-uganda.org
Website: www.biblesociety-uganda.org